Capstone Project – Jacob Martin

I’d like to complete my capstone project on the issue of the arts being defunded in some schools. A lot of schools first thought when having money issues is to get rid of the arts, but things like theater, music and art have a lot more use than just looking pretty or doing it as a hobby. I will most likely be creating an infograph and a remixed video for my project. I think the remix would be a good thing to use because I can get a lot of different news reports or interviews that show students and teachers talking about whats going on in schools, so that the audience would get information from people who have actually had it happen to them. My infograph will be more focused on the informational side of things, and will include graphs and charts to show how many schools have had to defund the arts. These will connect well together because the video will apply more to the person’s emotional side, and the infograph will appeal to the more logical side of a person. Since I’ll be hitting both of these points, I think I’ll be able to make a good impact on the person with my project. I haven’t fully decided on what my website will look like, but I think it would be cool to see if I could find some pieces of art from high school students to display as the pictures on my site. Not only does it apply to my topic but it takes it a step further by showing what art can do and why it’s important.

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