Capstone Project – Social Media Advertising

The subject matter of my capstone project is Social Media Marketing, primarily focusing on how it can help local businesses. I will do a remix as well as short remix. Social Media Marketing is a facet of digital marketing. the term references the way in which current platforms have monetized access to audiences for advertisers. Just as traditional advertising, Advertisers on social media create and implement both simple and complex campaigns to spread brand awareness and promote products or services. Establishing and dominating the digital sphere is a critical aspect of today’s business climate. Neglected or implemented improperly, it can allow users to dominate the conversations surrounding your brand, negatively affect sales, damage your reputation or image via earned media. Done properly, it will generate fans, facilitate conversations about your brand, drive traffic to your owned media and physical location, increase sales, and serve as a hub for your earned media. Social media marketing can be a huge difference maker for business owners who chose to adopt social media sooner rather than later. Auction prices for Social platforms remain incredibly low compared to their traditional counterparts. Not only is there a huge potential benefit in the price, perhaps the biggest upside of marketing on social media is the ability to create highly targeted audiences. Meaning we can create customer persona on a per product or per service basis and market those products and services to the specific people that we know buy those products. Social media marketing is a powerful tool that can both hurt and help today’s businesses.

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