Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery in South Korea is a very common thing among men and women. It is actually very normal for a South Korean middle school student or high school student who is graduating to be gifted with double eyelid surgery to make the eyes look bigger. I actually have multiple Korean friends who were offered double eyelid surgery or actually got it as a gift for graduation. Studies say that among women in Korea, a total of 20 percent get some sort of plastic surgery and that is only among the women. If we compared it with the US, only around 5 percent of women get plastic surgery. In my Capstone project I wanted to compare the United States and South Korea differences in Plastic surgery, especially around what age do people tend to get more plastic surgery, it would be interesting and a little bit shocking. There are many cultural differences between the US and South Korea, which is why plastic surgery is seen as commonplace in Korea yet looked slightly down upon in America. There are even different types of popular plastic surgeries in both America and South Korea, for example double eyelid surgery and jaw reduction is very popular in South Korea, while in the United States breast implants and face lifts are very common. In South Korea there are also multiple plastic surgeries to help better a person’s life, for example like a rhinoplasty to help with breathing or a jaw reduction that releases tension in the jaw that could leave life lasting effects.

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