Counter Culture, Art, and the growing influence of Activism

In todays less-than kind geopolitical landscape it is becoming more and more important to remain politically active and to voice your opinion and standing on various societal issues. Examples of this being the case can be seen in the increased turn outs for voting during the 2016 presidential election and the increased attention todays LGBTQ community have been fighting for. For my Capstone Project I would like to discuss the growing importance of counter culture, art and their various fringe counterparts, and their close relationship to activism, in relation to our current era. I plan to use the remix video to outline the topic, compare and contrast the no-wave movement of the 60’s and 70’s and all of its importance to similar movements happening now, along with a normal info-graphic which I intend to use to display information on important movements in the past and the effect they had on important political decisions such as the peaceful protests of African Americans and their influence to change legislature, the no wave movement and its rejection of various social norms that helped mold society into a much more accepting culture. The information on this info-graphic will be presented in a by-the-numbers manner in hope to display the power and influence these movements have, and the importance of utilizing it. These two pieces of media will relate to one another with the remix film displaying the colorful nature of these movements as they are in themselves, significant and beautiful, while the info-graphic will root the subject matter into something more concrete by providing statistics on how important these movements are as well as how they can be used today.

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