Capstone – Kevin Ngo

My Capstone project will be on esports and the aspects of whether it is a sport or not.
Currently, most esports are not considered sports in many countries, which disallow players from attaining work visas for extended travel to tournaments outside of their country.
For a long time, socially many people haven’t considered esports to be a sport, generally because esports doesn’t have any major physical aspect to it, as many mainstream sports do. However, there are many sports which also don’t have the same major physical aspects which are indeed considered sports, such as poker, chess, racing, target shooting, etc.
Esports would share some similarities to these other sports in needing high expertise in knowledge (of the opponent), tactics, endurance, precision, and more.

The one of the media objects which I’ll likely take is an infographic, which likely will comprise of stats such as viewership, sponsorship, and population participation.
The other I’ll take is a remix, which I’ll be taking a variety of clips of the many interviews that occur during large tournaments in esports, as well as any related videos of people comparing sports to esports.
Also a mention of the size and impact of esports in South Korea and potentially China as well, where they are much more widespread.

Capstone Project – Jacob Martin

I’d like to complete my capstone project on the issue of the arts being defunded in some schools. A lot of schools first thought when having money issues is to get rid of the arts, but things like theater, music and art have a lot more use than just looking pretty or doing it as a hobby. I will most likely be creating an infograph and a remixed video for my project. I think the remix would be a good thing to use because I can get a lot of different news reports or interviews that show students and teachers talking about whats going on in schools, so that the audience would get information from people who have actually had it happen to them. My infograph will be more focused on the informational side of things, and will include graphs and charts to show how many schools have had to defund the arts. These will connect well together because the video will apply more to the person’s emotional side, and the infograph will appeal to the more logical side of a person. Since I’ll be hitting both of these points, I think I’ll be able to make a good impact on the person with my project. I haven’t fully decided on what my website will look like, but I think it would be cool to see if I could find some pieces of art from high school students to display as the pictures on my site. Not only does it apply to my topic but it takes it a step further by showing what art can do and why it’s important.

The Capstone: A Day On Mars

The thought of leaving Earth and traveling to another planet is quite a cumbersome thought. We have seen many ideas about the journey to Mars, and the struggles of going off into the unknown, but I want to focus on something a little different. Instead, I want to focus on the individual experiences people will have after landing on mars. This will include both the technical struggles people will experience, as well the mental struggles associated with living in such a foreign place. I will probably incorporate a mirroring of the cultural shock that people often experience in visiting a foreign locale.

To present the thoughts of living in the great beyond, I will create a website that includes two different mediums of delivery. The first medium will be an info-graphic about the technical difficulties associated with living on Mars. An info-graphic would be effective in communicating this information because it could act as a “manual to living on Mars.” It would mimic the style of ads from the 1950’s. This would create an image that is both visually compelling, and relatable in form.

Assembling the feelings people would have interacting in a foreign space may prove harder to portray, but I predict that a remix video could do an effective job. A remix video would showcase news footage about living on mars, and the discoveries associated with those endeavors. Also, incorporating clips from movies about life on mars would yield an interesting cross play of perspectives. This blending of a technical based info-graphic, and a personal themed remix video would help viewers grasp what life may look like beyond the stars.

Reality TV & The Television Industry

For my Capstone Project I will explore the rise of reality television and its influence on the entertainment industry and viewers in America. Since the 1990’s, reality TV has grown exponentially. Channels like The History Channel and Discovery run dozens of reality television shows every day, from Duck Dynasty to The Bachelor.

The reality television industry revolves around constant scouting for talent and material rather than the slow development process of the narrative and documentary television industry that came before it. Before reality TV, networks would hire large Hollywood-based studios to employ writers, actors, and directors to create scripted series. These shows would take large budgets and months of production time to create. With reality TV shows, far fewer writers are required, and high-cost actors are completely unnecessary.

As more TV channels switch to a reality-based model for the majority of their programs, viewers are migrating to streaming services like Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu to fulfill their desire for traditional narrative television. These streaming companies have begun to fund their own shows, bypassing cable companies altogether. The most popular example of this is Netflix’s Netflix Originals, shows that are funded and produced by Netflix including Orange is the New Black (2013), Stranger Things (2016), and House of Cards (2013).

Over the past decade, reality TV has played a major role in shaping the television industry. As reality TV becomes more popular, traditional television is finding new niches to fulfill in the streaming industry, and television is becoming dominated by low-budget reality pieces. This low-cost-high-gain trend is great for production cost, but quality of television is suffering because of it.



Student Stress – Capstone Topic

Well, about a year and a half ago, I ended up in the hospital for severe sleep deprivation. I had insomnia for a while and had a lot of trouble sleeping, and the months of struggling to get the sleep I needed finally took its toll on me. I wasn’t just lacking in sleep, but it was like my brain was so wired up on drugs or something that I had no real sense of the world. I wasn’t on drugs, of course, I couldn’t sleep well. While, today where a lot of my life has vastly changed, I still struggle with stress. It may not give me insomnia, but with everything going on in my life, unpacking because my parents insist it, getting my homework done, going to school, driving three to four hours total every day, and keeping my job amidst it all… stress has become such a constant thing in my life. It’s something many of us can relate to. While a lot of us might not end up in the hospital, specifically in the fashion I did, we all know what stress is and all struggle to keep up in our daily lives without killing ourselves over it. I guess I just wanted to bring more awareness to the issue. I think my two media objects will be an infographic and a remix video. I’m not totally sure on the call to action, maybe bring awareness, or plan a way to contain or mend your stress.

Capstone Project-Video Game Accessibility for the Disabled

Many video games are designed with accessibility in mind. Usually this means lower difficulties or simplified control options are included. Many players and even developers may brush away these options with the mindset that a game must be difficult and complicated to be considered good. There are a large group of players that these people are ignoring-the disabled. I believe more developers should have disabled players in mind when creating games and players be more mindful and encouraging of a gameplay environment that include disabled players. Even some of the most difficult modern games have multiple ways to play such as compatibility with multiple controllers and button mapping. Many disabled people are not able to go out and do physical activities. Being able to sit down and play a game really shouldn’t have to be much of a problem at all, but a controller with too many buttons may even be a challengefor some. I’m going to look into ways developers have incorporated accessibility modes into their games and how people who aren’t necessarily game developers help the disabled have the opportunity to play. There is a very strong sense of community surrounding videogames, but with people interacting with each other online most of the time it can be easy to forget or never notice the struggles they may be enduring.
I plan on making an infographic that shows statistics of how many disabled people play video games and what games have accessibility modes (mostly data). For the video remix, I plan on showing how some disabled people can play games and how others have helped them (real life).

Capstone Project- Oil Pumping and Oil Spills

My name is Richard Lockett and the focus of my DTEC 120 course Capstone Project is on the risks of oil spills from over-shore drilling and refineries.
I will be using two media objects to present my topic: First I will be using an info-graphic that will point out how much oil has been spelt in past from over-shore oil rigs and the sea life which has been harmed from the oil spills.
I will also use the info-graphic to highlight the amount of oil rigs that has caused spills in the past.
Both of my sources will be presented on my new web-page that will have the infographic on one page and the video on the other page.
I am planning also using the info-graphic to show the pros of over-shore oil refineries.
My next media object will be a video remix utilizing several ocean related videos under creative commons, and several videos of people speaking about oil spills, and how they have harmed the ocean.
These two sources will relate to each other by presenting two sides to the argument. The info-graphic will provide facts dealing with the positive nature of over-shore oil refineries such as: Cost effectiveness from pumping oil in our oceans, the jobs created by the construction of new refineries, and relying on US oil. It will also provide facts on the cons as well such as: the number of oil spills in the past, dangers to sea life, the time it takes to clean up oil spills, and the cost of cleaning up oil spills.

My Capstone Project Proposal – Pay College Athletes

For my Capstone Project my topic will be how student athletes should be paid. I will provide information from the opposing viewpoint that says they shouldn’t be paid and evidence that backs up the viewpoint that says they shouldn’t be paid. The two media objects I’ll use are an Infographic file (at least 1,600 pixels by 800 pixels) and Animation (1:45 mins. – 2:30 mins. long). To see what hashtags would be most relevant I searched three I came up with and then searched each one to see how recently they’d been used. I was then able to eliminate one of the three and narrow it down to the two I’ll use which are #PayCollegeAthletes and #PayStudentAthletes.

Capstone Project Proposal – Net Neutrality and Internet of Things

My capstone project will focus on the impacts of Net Neutrality and what it means if the FCC continues with its plan to remove the Title II protections put in place on February 2015. The direction my project will take is one of protecting Net Neutrality and keeping the internet place to communicate freely. Also covered by this project will be the impact that the growing network of the Internet of Things is having on our society. I want to explore this topic by creating either an animation or infographic showing how internet content is delivered to your computer. An initial idea for this would be a step-by-step sequence with a computer screen with content displayed then having the cursor move and interact with the content by clicking on the page. This would then start the process of tracing the actions required to send and receive the requested information. Similar to an animated infographic from Google showing how video is sent to your computer when explaining possible interruptions to service. For my remix video I will create a mash-up of news reports on the growing sector of the Internet of Things (IoT). This will include clips from news stories, reviews, and trade show presentations to show a variety of topics. The video will help define what the IoT is and how it will have a growing impact in our daily lives. This can then be tied back to Net Neutrality and the importance of internet security when engaging with the devices in our everyday lives.