Chocolate and the Brain

For my project, I plan on focusing on the effects of chocolate on the brain. Eating has been viewed as one the most powerful motivators today. Whether its heart healthy food or junk food. If it appeals to their taste then it’ll be eaten. For most people, you find that junk food, more specifically chocolate, is enjoyed more than others. Which is why I plan on creating a website to enlighten others about the thing they love most. Today, chocolate is used with almost every consumable product available from ice cream to strawberries. Chocolate was not always as popular as it is now. It wasn’t until the 19th century that people started enjoying it as a sweet. It was first served as medicine and as an alcoholic beverage before they added a sweetener to it. Today, people have competitions in seeing who can best identify the type of wine before them, but more interestingly they have chocolate competitions in which contestants try and identify the amount of cocoa present along with other flavors. Eating chocolate can chemically make someone happier. I plan on using this information in forming a video mix to show a brief impact on the different types of the brain that chocolate effects. Also, I plan on making an info graphic showing the parts of a coco bean. After all, chocolate comes from a plant. We have all experienced how this bean can bring a smile to everyone’s face. And its good to know what you’re eating.

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