Renewable energy revolution

For my capstone project I wanted to discuss the recent rise in popularity seen in the renewable energy field. This interested me because it’s something I’ve discussed before and have a fairly good working knowledge of already. My uncle also works with hydro-power in dams and is something we’ve discussed before and I found it interesting and worth learning more about. Typically when discussing renewable energy it refers to solar power, hydro-power, and wind power as an alternative to fossil fuels. Not only is renewable energy cleaner and healthier for the environment and for human populations, but also there is no danger of running out of renewable energy sources. In fact one of the most popular topics for the argument against renewable energy is that it is aesthetically unappealing, meaning neighborhoods and homeowners dislike viewing wind turbines near their property or other similar cases. However I find the good it can bring far outweighs the burden of personal preference for scenic views. I plan on going further in depth with my topic by using a Remixed Video and an Animated Info graphic. I feel like it’s a good topic to represent visually and using landscapes, however as an alternative I may create an Info graphic describing the different types of renewable energy sources and their specific benefits if I’m unable or unsatisfied acquiring footage and music for the remixed video. There are many organizations dedicated to alternative energy such as the CEBC (clean energy business council) and specifically, Washington state and Oregon are known as some of the greener states and is some of the leaders in alternative energy.

I look forward to discussing it more in my project and seeing all of your projects as well!

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