Capstone Project Proposal – Meet the Real Meat Industry

Meet the Real Meat Industry
I would like to cover the topics of how the meat and dairy industries are bad for us, the earth, and the animals. For my capstone project the two media items I will display on my website will be an infographic and an animation. As I previously discussed, the social topic I will be focusing on will be animal’s rights and the negative impact of the meat and dairy industry on our environment. I will do so with providing information directly to the site about the negative impacts of these industry, and then further explaining them through the use of visuals in the animation and in the infographic. The animation will provide more of a “walk you through it” kind of style with the visuals to display the facts, and the infographic will act as a kind of summary of data that ties together the facts and solidifies the knowledge with the viewer. I’d like to cover all of the information on the site with one page about each aspect I am covering. For example, one page addressing why meat is bad for humans, one page addressing why it’s bad for the environment, and one page addressing and summarizing why meat is bad for the animals. I would maybe incorporate my infographic and animation into the site by focusing the infographic on one aspect of my site, and focusing my animation on another aspect of my site and placing each on the page they relate with.

Here’s some more info on my proposed topic- Meet the Real Meat Industry

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