Capstone Project Proposal – Paying Collegiate Basketball Players

For my capstone project I would like to address and give information on why collegiate athletes should be paid passed scholarship. I would be mostly focused on collegiate basketball and the money that these athletes generate for the school and for the NCAA. I will be using a mashup up to help convey my message. I also will be using an animation to give a more entertaining way of showing statistics for this topic.

In my mashup I will have video of my own from interviews with collegiate players as well as video from past interviews. I will highlight the struggle that collegiate athletes can have balancing school, sports, and also trying to have money to live. This will not be a purely one sided viewpoint but rather just opinions and real life observations that athletes and coaches have observed.

In my animation I will be highlighting statistics that show how much money these athletes are missing out on. As well as showing why most athletes are “one and done” meaning they only stay one year in college so that they can start their pro career. Paying these athletes as well as scholarship would give a better opportunity to keep these athletes in the schools. This animation will be completely original. Animated and illustrated completely by me.

These two will support each other by one giving an emotional and perspective view while the other gives stats and facts that support those claims. I hope to be able and help move paying athletes forward.

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