Capstone Project Proposal – Police Brutality

Police Brutality

For my capstone project I am going to work with the subject of police brutality and possible solutions to this problem. I will talk about the issues of police brutality and how it affects certain people, and I will talk about some ways to solve the problem, such as body cams,

and protests. I hope to find recent news reports and footage from police brutality situations and from protests regarding police brutality. I am going to do the video remix and the infographic (non animated). My current plans for both the infographic and the remix are similar to what is above, with the information starting by showing or talking about the problem and then moving into possible solutions and giving information on how helpful those solutions have been so far. If I have the time I may also discuss how region, age, and race affect this issue. I plan on making the infographic very straight to the point, and fact based. I will make the video more dramatic and emotional, and the website will be a mix of this, with the navigation being simple and easy, but the look being a bit more dramatic, but still with a very serious tone. The media objects will relate to each other by having similar content, but showing it in a different way, where I want the video to be more emotional and dramatically impactful, and I want the infographic to be more logical and statistic based (logos and pathos).

Here are some facts and statistics about police brutality.


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