Capstone Project Proposal – The History of Photography

For my Capstone Project, I would like to focus on the history of photography. I will detail not only detail some of the history of photography, but also showcase some important moments in photography and video. For this project, I plan to create an Infographic and a remixed video.

My infographic will show a timeline of sorts that shows the history of photography, and most importantly, the evolution of the camera. I will show imagery of the first camera moving up through selected models until we reach the smartphone, which is now most often used to take photos.

My remixed video will focus on video and important moments in photography throughout history, showing when photo and video have united people. I will include videos such as the moon landing and other highly-viewed videos to show how important these forms of media are to the world. The remixed video will be accompanied by supporting text and music that changes with the imagery. More research must be done to fully decide what information will be included in both forms of media.

The video and infographic will be tied together by color profiles and shared theme, but the remix will focus on video more than still imagery. The decision to use both an infographic and a video remix will show two different representations of the topic, one a more formal presentation of facts and the other a visual representation of the ideas to sum up the issue, appealing to different types of viewers. In my website design, the infographic will be presented before the video so as to state the facts that will be presented in the video. The design of the website will support the themes and colors used in both forms of media.

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