Capstone Project: Fake News

My Capstone project will look into the American News Agency’s and why they are a problem in the United States and will show the reasons that caused it. Unlike in other parts of the world which governmentally fund news companies to produce truthful and unbiased reports the U.S. agency’s compete for views and money where they need you to watch. As a result of this they stretch the truth, fear monger, and sometimes straight up lie to keep you watching. Only when you are scared and can’t stop watching is when they make money. It’s not surprising with the rise of internet based news making cable obsolete that that this has become even worse. This is why now more than ever have average Americans belief in the news be at an almost all time low. Fake news more prevalent than ever, and having the internet where anyone who questions the legitimately of the stories to easily be able to fact check or get a second opinion there’s no shock they will. This sadly isn’t often done because of echo chambers created by political discourse and division of other opinions. I plan to show the above through an explanatory animation which explains the revenue stream and ratings model, with other statistical evidence including how some graphs and pie charts are misrepresented. I will also create a remixed video of the malpractice seen on air of the truth stretching, ad breaks in the middle of breaking news including school shootings, fear mongering, and that you should only trust them and not to seek the truth yourself.

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