Capstone Project Proposal

I believe in creating a world where people are given the room and opportunity to be the best version of themselves. That is why I chose leadership as the path and the topic for the capstone project. We are living in a world that is going through a leadership crisis, not only America but around the world. This crisis creates a lot of problems in our society such as:

  • hyper-individualism
  • being content with mediocrity
  • divisiveness
  • suppression of innovations

  • The true meaning of leadership has been lost over time. In ancient history, even dating back to the caveman era, leadership is about servanthood, not dominant. It’s not about being in charge, it’s about taking care of people in your charge. But slowly, the true meaning of it started to fade away, replaced by management, manipulation and coercion. It got replaced by bells and whistles, smoke and mirrors to try to dissuade people from rising up and making changes in the society. Gradually, the word lost its meaning, no one knows what it means, and no one think they can become one, leaving it to people that abuse authority.

    To demonstrate the topic, I will be using an infographic and a video remix. The infographic will be a timeline about what people say about leadership over time. The video would be combination of quotes from talks, and clips from documentaries that relate to the time period and the historical figures.

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