Capstone Project Proposal- Cellular System

My Capstone Project will be focusing on the affect cellular devices have had on human society. Throughout recent years, we have seen the improvement of consumer electronics to the point where they serve as all-in-one devices. Our lives have begun to revolve around these personal assistants, and I want to focus on and recognize these changes through both a video mashup and a short animation.

The video mashup will mainly showcase the evolution of handheld communication devices from just something in science fiction to an integral aspect of our lives. Much of it will include popular culture clips ranging from films the mid to late 20th century, all the way to present day. I would also like to insert some of my own captured film, in order to display our reliance on cellphones through real-life captures in city life.

As for the animation, I want that specifically to focus on general facts about cell phones, their usages, and ultimately as the main point, their effect on daily life. This will be somewhat similar to the animated infographic we completed earlier in the semester.

I believe this is an interesting and relevant concept in today’s age. What is the future of this technology? What is the logical next step from handheld communicators? We know that such progress will eventually take place, but I believe it’s important to restate these questions in new forms of media. Most if not all of these questions will be answered in my mashup video, where I will take to the streets, and using prior research I want to get the public’s opinion on how we use cellular devices.

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