The subject matter that I want to do my capstone project on is military spending in the United States. I am interested in this subject because I have worked for defense contractors in the past and I was surprised at the amount of money the Department of Defense spent on overhead alone. Currently, the U.S. spends billions of dollars every year on the military. This amount is excessive, and the funding could be put towards other areas such as education, science, or healthcare. The direction I am going to take in this capstone is to highlight how the U.S. spends discretionary government funding inefficiently on the military. In addition, I will be comparing the U.S. to other countries and detail the advantages and drawbacks of using a high percentage of their funds on defense.
The two media objects I will create are an animated infographic and remixed video. For the remixed video, its main purpose will be to introduce my audience to my subject. It will not be as informative but will help draw viewers into my website. My main media object will be an animated infographic. Its purpose will be to provide statistics and figures that detail how inefficient military spending is in the U.S. It will be informative but succinct so that my viewers will not lose interest. I chose an animated infographic rather than a print because I would be able to deliver the information in a more entertaining way. The final piece of my capstone would be an HTML page that provides much more detailed facts with sources. If time permits, I will create more media objects to further enhance my site.
The estimated expenditure of the U.S. military this year is $892 billion. That expense is second only to Social Security in the federal budget. #Government #Defense #USA #Military
— Kenneth Smith (@Kenneth25938206) October 29, 2018
In 2017, the U.S. spent more on national defense than China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, France, the United Kingdom, and Japan combined. #USA #Military #Government #deficit
— Kenneth Smith (@Kenneth25938206) October 29, 2018
Of the $1.11 Trillion dollars assigned for discretionary spending in 2015, the U.S. spent over $598 billion on the military (53.71%) while only $70 billion was spent on education (6.28%) #deficit #Military
— Kenneth Smith (@Kenneth25938206) October 29, 2018
An audit conducted by Ernst & Young found that the Defense Logistics Agency, a DoD division, lost track of more than $800 million in construction projects for the Army Corp of Engineers as well as other agencies. #USA #Defense #Military
— Kenneth Smith (@Kenneth25938206) October 29, 2018
In 2015, an internal study of the Pentagon exposed $125 billion in administrative waste. In addition, this study revealed that the Pentagon was spending almost a quarter of its $580 million budget on overhead and core business operations alone.
— Kenneth Smith (@Kenneth25938206) October 29, 2018