Capstone Project Proposal – Space Race

The subject matter I would like to focus on for my capstone project is the United States/Soviet Space Race. The Space Race was a monumental time in world history. By covering this topic, I could write on how the space race affected the Cold War and how it brought about the advancement of many different technologies. I believe this topic has a lot of content ripe for remixing.

Because NASA is a government organization, footage created by them is considered public domain. Considering this, I think it would be interesting to make a video remix showing the various rockets that were launched during that time. I would likely remix it using a voiceover from President Kennedy or perhaps a NASA scientist speaking about the topic. I will probably also use music of some variety to have something to sync my visuals to.

My other media object would be an infographic that covers a timeline of the Space Race. I would use Adobe Illustrator to create the graphics. I would create caricatures of John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev, as they were the two most important political figures involved with the Space Race. I could also make some images of various spacecraft and how they developed. Many of the early spacecraft had unique designs, Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite comes to mind, along with many others.

I have always been fascinated by space and space travel, as my other projects in this class may have hinted at. I believe the focus on history will make this a fun and interesting topic to work on.

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