Capstone Project Proposal – Stop Animal Cruelty

For my capstone project, I will be addressing animal rights and the cruelty of animal testing. For many years, animals have been used in labs to test products such as make up or any other new products that will be sold to humans. They are also tested for new drugs by interfering with the animal’s health and injecting them with diseases or breeding them in an unnatural way. Although there are possible benefits from doing this, like making sure a product doesn’t harm humans, but it is cruel to animals and there are alternative ways. Animals are anatomically and physiologically different from each other and can’t accurately portray a human. Examples will be found and be used to support this. I will also be including information on natural ways make up or other products can be made and used and also the option of buying cruelty free make up products.

I plan on incorporating an infographic and a video remix to my capstone project. I believe these two will provide the information I want to include in my capstone project by incorporating visual information through the infographic. In the infographic, I plan on creating visuals of animals and the cruelty done to them when skin and eye irritation tests are done, and how a lot of healthy animals can be made sick in order to test the effectiveness of drugs. Although tests are done on humans as well, they have the right to choose and volunteer, whereas animals do not get the choice to choose if they want to be used and tested. I will be using the video remix to show how cruel and unnecessary it is to test products on animals and incorporating this all into my three-page website.

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