Capstone Project Proposal – Advocating for Diversity

The capstone project, or final, for this class will be a project to showcase the skills gained both inside and outside class within a webpage. Of all the knowledge and skills practiced for this course I’m most comfortable with these three disciplines: web design, video editing, and vectored imagery. With the website as the foundation to present my work, the two objects that will be embedded on this platform will be an infographic file, as well as a two-minute video remix. As for the social and or cultural subject of this capstone I hope to promote diversity or advocate for a positive impact within the community. Pertaining to diversity the on camps diversity center would be helpful in establishing a specified cause for an infographic and video remix, especially with the goal of promotion in either this organization or another related group. When related to a positive influence in the community, advocacy of local nonprofits, charities, or small businesses could successfully bring people together for action by presenting an idea. No matter which topic is focused and specified the presentation of an idea in an effective way can be done so through the objects mentioned above. With the use of an infographic presenting facts to reinforce the topic and a video remix to invoke ethos within this audience, a bridge is then constructed to support the social or cultural subject matter that revolves around this project. Concluding, my proposal is to generate assistance that could benefit those of the WSUV community and beyond.

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