Capstone Project Proposal – Save the Sharks

This has something to do about my capstone project,
Capstone Project Proposal
After reading through the Capstone Project, I have settled on the idea that my subject matter will be based around the ocean. I have not yet decided whether I will focus specifically on cleaning up the ocean or if my focus will shift to saving shark species. I really like the shark idea, specifically because I am deathly afraid of sharks so I have a good amount of knowledge about them. I also notice that there are a lot of misconceptions about sharks and they are being overly hunted. In the end, this decision will more than likely be guided by what videos and images I am able to find and use appropriately. The video remix that I create will more than likely use text to get the message out. There will also be music in the background. Probably some type of hip-hop instrumental. For the other half of this project, I’ve decided to create an image using either Photoshop or Illustrator. My plan for the image is to turn it into an info-graphic with around two to four facts, three pictures, and an ocean blue kind of theme. I am not sure if I am going to go with a cartoon vibe with the shark pictures or if I will use the pen tool to trace more realistic pictures of sharks. I can draw a little bit and the cartoon version of the sharks could make it pop a little better and be maybe more interesting with kids which would widen the audience.

Capstone Project Proposal – Reducing Plastic Waste

Last year, I had taken an Environmental class in Clark College where we talked about various ways we affected our environment. Throughout the term we had to somehow reduce our ecological footprint and I chose to reduce my plastic waste. The challenges I faced and the research I did during this period had immensely taught me about the plastic waste that occurs in our world today and how we mindlessly continue to hurt our planet. If you look around yourself right now, you will notice how many items around you consist of plastic. We practically rely on plastics now and for various reasons, such as storage, convenience, and pleasure. However, this dependability is backfiring on us like a drug. I believe that informing and motivating people to take action is how we can stop this crisis and reduce further damage. Therefore, for this project, I would like to share my research through an infographic that depicts the main sources of plastic waste and the quantities at which they are flooding our environment. I would like to illustrate the graphics using Illustrator, create a color scheme using the Adobe Color Wheel, and choose appropriate typography to properly display the topic. I will also create a video remix that will show how plastic is made, the effects of plastic waste on the planet, and what we can do to reduce the effects. I plan to use TedTalks, YouTube clips, and audio files to help describe this issue and call my audience to action.

Check out my twitter posts on this topic:

Capstone Project Proposal – Introversion

Quiet Strength – The Power of Introverts

For my capstone project, I would like to create an infographic and a remixed video informing people of the strength of introverts. In the Ted Talk, “The Power of Introverts”, Susan Cain states that introverts take up anywhere between a third to a half of the population, but American society is geared towards extroverts. If you choose not to go to a party with your co-workers, individuals think that you are antisocial. Schools require most students to work in groups and do not provide introverted students with another option. Cain continues by saying that many people see introversion as being shy or under socialized, but introversion is about how one responds to stimulation. Introverts feel the most productive when they are in quiet and thoughtful environments. Cain believes that to help introverts in an extrovert dominated world, we need to accept that they need to work in environments with small amounts of stimulation.

To illustrate the quiet power of introverts, I would like to highlight facts that people might not know about introverts in my infographic. For example, introverts are good listeners. According to Dr. Laurie Helgoe in the Times article, “The Surprising Benefits of Being an Introvert,” extroverts are more likely to interact in a conversation before they fully comprehend what you are saying. Conversely, Dr. Helgoe says, introverts process information internally and that skill allows them to fully comprehend before they speak. For my remixed video, I would like to mix Ted Talks, interviews, advertisements, and other imagery to inform introverts and extroverts alike, about the beauty of quietly listening in a world that will not stop talking.

Capstone Project Proposal – Clean Water Access

For my capstone project, I want to address lack of water access or clean water that still exists today. I want to give a few specific examples from the United States and Africa. Using these comparisons I will show that no matter where you live in the world we are currently experiencing lack of water resources as well as lack of access to clean water. This is both social and sometimes wrongly assumed cultural problem because some people assume that the water crisis only happen in an underdeveloped nation.

For this I will be using an infographic and a remixed video. I want to use the remixed video to show clips and draw attention to this issue while including some information but mostly drawing people into the issue by experiencing it through emotion. I want to remix clips of past water crisis, prevention ideas that have been used in the past and focus in on the people and how it impacts them.

I will then use my infographic to display more facts and information needed for the viewer to draw their own conclusion about the water crisis and possibly what they can do. This will include facts on South Africa’s water shortage, Flint, Michigan water crisis and a few others while listing what can be done through use of graphics. I really want to create for of a picture and design infographic with minimal text that still communicates the point. I believe it will draw more people in.

Capstone Project Proposal – Opioid Epidemic

For this Capstone Project, I will be focusing on United states opioid abuse. Opioid can be either plant base (like heroin) or synthetically made (like painkiller Oxycontin). Opioids stop pain from activating a part our brains. Also, it will temporarily releases a chemical called dopamine (is released when good things happen, this chemical is used to teach us to keep seeking out good things).I will be focusing on the synthetic versions of opioid abuse. Statistics show that over recent years there has been an increase of opioid overdoses still in America. Even with a decreased in prescriptions in the abuse of opioids is still strong.

The first media I will use is an infographic. I want to use this infographic to showcase data and statistics found on opioid abuse/overdose. The imagery in this infographic will be silhouettes, medical Rx bottles, and pills. I want to keep the images minimal to represent that addiction is not prejudice and it can anyone.
The second media I will use is an remix. In the remix showcase what an opioid addiction is like. My goal for the remix will be to evoke an emotional response (hopefully from the audience). I may use somber music to set a tone and perhaps ted talks about the the addiction and what it does.
Will reuse the same style of images, typography, and color pallet to tied my website, infographic, and remix together. In both of the infographic and remix I want to end it will resources on getting help for opioid addiction.






Capstone Project Proposal – Conflict Minerals

The topic of my capstone project is going to be about conflict minerals. Conflict minerals include tin and tungsten which are used in technology production. These minerals are mined using coerced and child labor, and the profits often fund militias. Workers are given very little pay and are put in very dangerous environments. To educate people on what conflict minerals are and what products use these minerals, I will make a website that has links to my two media objects, and a link to another website that explains possible ways to end the cycle. I want my website to have bold and contrasting colors so I will be using black, white, grey, and red as my color pallet.

The first media object embedded in my website will be an infographic file that educates readers on what conflict minerals are, and what products contain these minerals. I will make the infographic as a flow chart that depicts the process of how the minerals make it from the earth into our technology. I will use the colors brown, green, red, and grey, and include simple imagery along with each point in the process. The images will be minimalistic and white, much like the apple icons we discussed in class.

The second media object that I will be embedding is going to be a video mashup. This video mashup will be using videos that depict people using technology, footage of African militias, the unsafe mines, and the manufacturing of technology. I will create a story with these videos that shows how so many people are unaware of the violence and human rights violations that go into making the products people use every day. My goal in making this video is to educate people and propose the question of how we can stop the mining of conflict minerals. The end of the video will include a link to Intel’s website here that includes their summary of conflict minerals and how they are one company that has taken measures to stop the cycle. I will embed this link to Intel’s website inside my webpage to give viewers a chance to gain additional information.

Inside my website I will include a couple paragraphs of text that summarize what the infographic and video remixes are conveying. These paragraphs will explain what conflict minerals are, why they are a bad thing, and what products these minerals are in. My goal in creating this project is to inform people about conflict minerals, and to raise the question about what ways we can stop the cycle. I will include a summary of Intel’s solution to the problem, and I will cite them at the bottom of my webpage along with all other material used in my projects.