Capstone Project Proposal – Forest Fires and Urban Air Quality

Here is my sample Capstone Proposal.

Capstone Project Proposal – Life On Mars

Here is my sample Capstone Proposal.

For my Capstone Project, I will be focusing my project on the topic of the possibility of life on Mars. As a huge believer in the possibility of life out there in the universe, I am fairly certain that this topic will entertain my interest for a good while (at least until the end of the semester).
For this project, I plan to create an infographic detailing current facts and information regarding the possibility of life on Mars, which would likely include imagery involving the red planet itself, as well as some space themed imagery as well. Not only that, but I also intend to create a remixed video in which someone is giving a speech about the possibility of life on Mars, while space and Mars related imagery plays. My hope with this video is that it inspires others and persuades them that Mars exploration can and should be continued (especially where life is involved).
In doing these two projects, my hope is that the infographic would inform the user about the possibility of extraterrestrial life on Mars, and perhaps offering little known facts that could change the way in which one sees the red planet. While the remixed video will inspire and move people in a way that forces encourages them to support future space exploration regarding life on Mars. In a way, both projects would ideally complement each other with one offering information and the other providing inspiration to the user. And in doing so, a balanced harmony and unity between the two would be formed.