Capstone Project Proposal – The Truth About “Pitbulls”

For my CAPSTONE project I will focus on the controversy about pit bulls and whether or not they are a dangerous breed. This has been a hot topic for a while now and there are two very distinct sides fighting to either rid our neighborhoods of the Pit bull breed or show that they are not dangerous. I will use my project to stand on the Pit bull breed’s side to show evidence that they are not dangerous by default and that there are many myths portrayed by the media.

    • I plan on making an info-graphic on the topic of the uncommon myths Pit bull’s face and the truths that follow. The reason I chose uncommon was that there are some myths already debunked and I want to add new material to support this breed.
    • Then I will do a mashup video of all the good this breed provides. I will either find videos on the Pit bull’s history in helping humans (if I can find ones) or I will focus the video on the mass amounts of innocent Pit bulls that are filling our animal shelters and euthanized.

The reason I want to focus on this social issue is because I was a dog trainer for 5 years and have worked with the inner workings of various breeds’ behavioral issues. When I first started to encounter the claim that these dogs are dangerous by nature I was completely confused as this was never a breed that I encountered with aggression issues. I understand peoples’ concerns and I feel that there are a lot of misconceptions portrayed by the media. One of these misconceptions that I find most irritating is the “studies” done showing Pit bull’s are responsible for more than half of the hospitalized dog bites. My issues with these studies are that the dog breeds are victim self-categorized, the smaller breed dog bites are less likely to be reported, and the unknown dog breeds are not covered at all. This topic is close to my heart and being able to make an informational project about them means a lot to me.

Capstone Project Proposal – Metroid Matters

For my capstone project, I would like to make the theme about the cultural importance of video games. Actually, one series of video games in particular, the Metroid games. Since this is one of my favorite franchises, I would love to dive into why it’s culturally important and explore the footprints it has left on society. I plan to make an infographic displaying stats such as copies sold, games the series has inspired, and groundbreaking mechanics that the games have brought to the video game world. I also plan to make a video montage of gameplay from the various games, moving forward from the original Metroid, all the way to the latest game.

Living with Cerebral Palsy

My Capstone Project will focus on those living with disabilities in the United States, specifically cerebral palsy (like myself). There are many levels of severity of this condition, from the permanently wheelchair-bound to those with isolated muscle paralysis, and I want to explore them as well as raise awareness about this disorder.

Cerebral palsy is a chronic disorder of movement, muscle tone, or posture that is caused by damage that occurs to the immature, developing brain, most often before birth. It is often found in premature babies than those born entirely healthy. As someone who has lived with cerebral palsy since birth, I have formed and memorized a 30-second “elevator” answer to the question “Why do you walk that way?” or, “Were you in a car accident?” Often times the reactions I get are surprise or shock that one can be born with a condition like this.But I want to be able to educate people even further about the condition that affects me this way.

The forms of media I choose will be an infographic, outlining what cerebral palsy is, as well as presenting the statistics of those born with cerebral palsy in the United States, and those living with it as adults. I will also include the various treatments that can provide an easier lifestyle. The video I hope to put together will present a positive side of what it’s like to have cerebral palsy and maybe look into the lives of Paralympic athletes who have cerebral palsy, and the training they undergo to achieve all that they do.