Living with Cerebral Palsy

My Capstone Project will focus on those living with disabilities in the United States, specifically cerebral palsy (like myself). There are many levels of severity of this condition, from the permanently wheelchair-bound to those with isolated muscle paralysis, and I want to explore them as well as raise awareness about this disorder.

Cerebral palsy is a chronic disorder of movement, muscle tone, or posture that is caused by damage that occurs to the immature, developing brain, most often before birth. It is often found in premature babies than those born entirely healthy. As someone who has lived with cerebral palsy since birth, I have formed and memorized a 30-second “elevator” answer to the question “Why do you walk that way?” or, “Were you in a car accident?” Often times the reactions I get are surprise or shock that one can be born with a condition like this.But I want to be able to educate people even further about the condition that affects me this way.

The forms of media I choose will be an infographic, outlining what cerebral palsy is, as well as presenting the statistics of those born with cerebral palsy in the United States, and those living with it as adults. I will also include the various treatments that can provide an easier lifestyle. The video I hope to put together will present a positive side of what it’s like to have cerebral palsy and maybe look into the lives of Paralympic athletes who have cerebral palsy, and the training they undergo to achieve all that they do.

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