Capstone Project- Theatre Education Benefits

Schools today have long been a place no has enjoyed going to. There has been more emphasis on passing rather than learning. Due to funding issues, many classes such as theatre have been cut. Theatre has held an important role in students lives however theatre classes have been diminishing over time due to many people thinking that it has no place in the current curriculum.

Not many people know that theatre not only allows a student to become more creative but it teaches students to have more confidence and they can speak to adults much better. It also improves student’s academic performance. Students who have been in a theatre class score much higher in the SAT than students who haven’t taken those classes. They’re attendance is much better as well. 61% of students are more likely to go to college and the drop out rate goes from 22% to 4%. All-in-all, the main focus of this project is the benefits theatre has in high school and how it ties into the real world.

For this project, I will produce a remixed video of various speeches made in favor of theatre education and an improved infographic with statistics and additional information about this issue.

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