Sammi Bieber – Capstone Blog Post

Between scientists and various health professionals, vaccines have been deemed safe for children who do not have weakened immune systems or severe allergies to the vaccine. It is imperative that healthy children do receive vaccinations to protect the children who cannot be vaccinated. Throughout time, vaccines have not only protected individuals from getting sick, but they have also eradicated diseases entirely. Because of this, it is worth it to vaccinate, despite the supposed risks.

One of the biggest reasons people choose not to vaccinate their children is because they believe vaccinations to be associated with Autism; however, there is no valid evidence that supports that claim. Instead, children should be vaccinated so that people can be protected. If vaccinations are widely provided, entire communities can build immunities to diseases. Additionally, studies have shown that vaccinations help to build individuals’ immune systems, resulting in overall less illness than their unimmunized counterparts. Overall, the advantages of vaccines overwhelmingly exceed the downfalls, that may not not even exist.

In order to present this information, I want to create an infographic poster that outlines statistical evidence about the safety of vaccines. Additionally, I would like to either produce an animation or a remixed video to visually summarize the safety of vaccines. This will, ideally, be put together on a visually pleasing website under different tabs. I would also like to include links to scholarly websites that outline the safety of vaccines.

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