After World-War 2, around the late 1940’s through 60’s, our population went through major growth. This generation that is now in their late 50’s-60’s is termed then baby boomer generation, and they are getting older. What this mean’s, in short, is an increased strain on our healthcare system, yet the current trend is that we have less and less doctors in our system with an ever increasing population. I want to highlight this, along with how our current educational institutions are charging an ever increasing price for the schooling of our aspiring students/doctors. This field is a necessity for every country, why are we making it so good people can’t afford to do it?

Along with an informational website to house my media content, I plan to also include a infographic/animation to animate the striking facts about this, and also remix video hopefully from a documentary or two with different people speaking of the need for doctors.

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