Capstone Project: Drowsy Driving

Insomnia and sleeplessness lead to some very dire consequences when coupled with the operation of a two ton vehicle. Contrary to popular assumption, drowsy driving is no better than drunk driving. At least 100,000 auto collisions per year can be linked to it and over 70,000 people are injured annually because of it.

Instead of risking injury, damage, or death, motorists must consider a few simple approaches to staving off the effects of drowsy driving. Caffeine. If a driver is starting to feel tired they should drink 1-2 8oz cups of coffee and wait 30 minutes before driving. Take a quick nap on the side of the road. It will always be safer to pull over and get some much needed rest before driving further and endangering one’s self or others. Take regular breaks when driving for long stretches at a time. Frequent stops allow the driver to get out of the car, walk around, grab a beverage, and feel refreshed.

For my capstone project I intend to create an animated infographic discussing the statistics of drowsy driving accidents, the conditions that cause drowsy driving, and what motorists can do to avoid putting themselves in a situation where they run the risk of falling asleep behind the wheel.

In addition to the animated infographic, I will create a static infographic image incorporating the same key focuses from above, but in direct relation to the trucking industry.


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