Capstone Project

For my Capstone Project I am going to look at the issues surrounding cosmetics testing on animals. Cosmetics testing on animals is something that has been a controversial topic for many years. The majority of cosmetics testing usually includes tests for skin sensitization, skin irritation or corrosion, eye irritation or corrosion, and acute oral toxicity. With the project I am hoping to provide information on why cosmetics testing on animals is bad and why it should be stopped. The two media objects that I am going to use are the remix video and the infographic file. The infographic file is going to be like a formatted almost like a pamphlet. It will have information and statistics on cosmetics testing on animals including the kinds of tests performed, the types of animals that are used, how many of the animals die in these tests on a daily and yearly basis, how the tests are administered, etc. The remix video will be a combination of facts and pictures and it is going to include roughly the same information as the infographic. The remix video will also, hopefully, serve as a call to action to do something about the cosmetics testing on animals. The infographic is going to be on the second page of the html document and it is going to have a link to the video. The link is going to open up the third html document where the video is. With this project I will raise awareness about animal testing.

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