Sarah Anderson Capstone Project

For my Capstone Project, I would like to discuss online piracy of content such as movies, music, and software. Online piracy is the illegal copying of licensed and copyrighted materials from the internet. As the internet becomes more popular and used by the general public, there are more opportunities for people to pirate copyrighted content. About one-fifth of Internet users regularly access sites that offer copyright infringing music. In addition, nearly 70% of people who use the internet find nothing wrong with online piracy However, illegal downloads and piracy takes the profit away from those who have worked hard to create the content and decreases its overall value. The economic impact of global piracy costs $25 billion to U.S. firms in lost sales. I would like to raise awareness of online piracy and show how it is severely and negatively impacting the economy.

For my media objects, I will be using a remixed video and an animation. They will contain information about pirating as well as provide a call to action for the audience. The animation will focus on statistics and facts about the prevalence of piracy while the remixed video will be focused on the economic impacts to different industries. The website will have a home page discussing the topic, a second page containing the animation with links to websites and sources with more information about the statistics, and a third page containing the remixed video with links to websites and sources with more information about the economic impacts.

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