Sarah Love’s Capstone Project

Ever hated all the ads that pop up on your computer or videos? Well one simple installation of AdBlock can fix all your problems and flick the annoying words away! Think back, you may have used it at least once or even still use it now! But should you?
Sure the short little commercials at the start of your video will take at least 5 agonizingly long seconds to skip but using AdBlock on your computer or phone hurts most of the companies or organziations you are trying to watch. Acording to PageFair, 84% of the top websites in the world rely on ads for revenue. Skipping or blocking those ads hurts the company money wise to the point where they can’t afford their huge organization. Think of it as a tradeoff. We can use their websites like Facebook or YouTube for free but we have to deal with their ads.
Sadly some people disagree. The developers of the ever popular AdBlock Plus argue that they should be able to enjoy their sites without having something forced on them. AdBlock Plus has over a million downloads worldwide, and many sites have attacked them saying they are making them lose money.
My side of the Capstone project is to show how an innocent little app is actually causing harm to many loyal companies just trying to stay in profit.
As for my Media objects I will be using an infographic file with various cartoons to show and inform the audience on the cons of using AdBlock. I will also be doing a Remixed Video of many Youtubers and other companies on their take of the issue while also adding in my own thoughts with animations.
Hopefully it will be informative.

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