Capstone Project

I will be doing my project on the effects of Pokémon on children. I will be focusing on Pokémon as a whole, including the video games, the trading card game, and the television show. I will talk about the social atmosphere of both the video game, and the trading card game, and how it helps children improve social interactions, and can provide a community for both children and adults. Some schools and parents have become worried about the negative effects of Pokémon like bullying or becoming obsessed.

The two media objects that I will be using are an infographic file and an animation. In the infrographic I will use testimony from experts along with information about how the games will change in ways that can be beneficial to children. Also I will give information about events that have brought people together and how common these events are.

The animation I will show how the different games have made it easier for people to play together and how they are beneficial to children. Along with that I would like to have a moving background of previous games showing how they changed, and some pictures of the events mentioned above in the infographic.

I want to have both the animation and the infographic linked to the main website, and to each other, so that somebody viewing them can go to any of the three pages no matter which page the person is on, that person can move to either of the other.

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