Capstone Project

For my Capstone Project I’m going to focus on the social topic of literacy in America. Given the statistics analyzed by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, National Institute for Literacy, the U.S. Census Bureau, and many others, there is a direct correlation between illiteracy and crime, dependence on welfare, increased healthcare cost, and poverty. As many as one in four Americans grow up without learning how to read. More shockingly, the U.S. government uses statistics on the literacy rates of 3rd graders to predict prison populations for building future prison facilities. The gap between literate and illiterate Americans is increasing so widely that as of 2011, America is the only free-market Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development country where the current generation is less educated than the previous one. My website will be an informative site that uses statistics and links to other informative sites about the issues of illiteracy, and how readers can be proactive in making a change. Centers for Adult Literacy are available to everyone and should be utilized, volunteer opportunities to either raise money or tutor others abound! Increasing literacy literally changes lives.
Using Adobe Premiere, I’ll incorporate some videos talking about literacy in America and the impact it has on both the individual and society. I’ll also incorporate some graphics in the shape of open books that can shift into houses made in Adobe Photoshop that may be used to help showcase statistics and results. Though reading books is not necessarily the only functional way of reading with digital media abounding, it is the most recognizable symbol of reading.

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