Go Travel Solo

The subject that I will be discussing for my capstone project will be about the female traveler and trying to empower then to go travel solo. A few of my ideas that I wanted to bring up was the misconception of traveling solo, possibly things to bring, and how the solo female traveling market has multiplied. I will be doing the infographic and animation to portray the information I found.

The animation will be helpful to put tips for solo travelers. I was planning on making a video that helps female travelers know what to bring and be mental prepared. In a sense it will be a motivational video to encourage more women to travel solo and set out of their comfort zone. Possibly putting in a few quotes from females that have traveled before. We are already seeing it within the market. The amount of women-only travel companies has increased 230% in the past six years. The infographic will be more of the statistics. It will show the average age, the difference between men and women who travel alone, the benefits.

These two media object relate to one another by complementing each other’s facts. The animation will be motivational and positive fact, while the infographic will have more of the background information such as spending amounts, comparison between men and women. For example 80% of solo travelers are female. Having all of this information available on a website will be handy since while your traveling it can be accessible from a phone to view the information anywhere in the world that there is service.

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