Job Automation

My capstone project will discuss the implications of job automation. According to studies, nearly half of all jobs in the United States are at risk of being automated by robotic and software technologies in the next 20 years. The topic is interesting as it has inroduced a lot of controversy that used to be just science fiction. People that earn income from jobs that are at risk of automation are frightened at the thought of being unemployed by the artificial hands of a robot. I will be taking a more optimistic approach explaining why automating these jobs will be good for everybody:

  • New jobs and new fields are being created that won’t be automated any time soon
  • With less work needed by humans, wealth could be redistributed in a way to allow all people to work less without a reduction of their quality of life.
  • Prices for goods will be reduced since labor costs will no longer apply.

Capstone Project

I will create an infographic using the skills I learned in this course in Illustrator and Photoshop. The infographic will introduce the topic of job automation and its controversy then will explain why it might not be such a bad thing. This infographic will be 100% original by me. I may also include some neat jQuery effects if time allows. Either way, it will be formatted in html and css, not just one big image file.

Using the Premier and After Effects skills, I will create a remix of videos detailing research and possible effects of job automation featuring experts in economics and computer science.

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