Erin McBride’s Capstone Project


I have chosen to use my Capstone Project to showcase the current issue of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Because this issue is ongoing, my approach to this subject will be broad. In my project, I will explain what the Dakota Access Pipeline is, for those who are unaware of the dire situation in Standing Rock. Within my two media pieces, I would like to examine all stakeholders in the project. The companies, Energy Transfer Partners and Enbridge Energy, who have been given the contract to build the pipeline and Sunoco, the future operators of the pipeline. These companies have dreadful track records with Sonoco to blame for more than 200 oil spills since 2010 and Enbridge responsible for the 2010 Kalamazoo River oil spill, one of the most expensive in U.S. history. I will also address the involvement of the Dakota Sioux and other 250 Native American Tribes acting as protectors for the land and the Missouri River. If I have time and space I will also mention the Army Corps of Engineers, The Red Owl Legal Collective, local land owners, the Iowa Utilities Board, and Dakota Access LLC.

While my attention has previously been captured by the atrocities committed against the indigenous people, this project will focus on factual data and I will do my best to come from a place of logic rather than emotion. In this way, I hope that my message is received as factual and without bias.

My two media objects will be an infographic and remixed video, which I will donate to the Standing Rock Sioux under the hashtag #noDAPL. My infographic will contain stakeholder information and possibly a sort of timeline to show involvement and actions taken by these stakeholders. This is related to my remixed video, as I elaborate upon who is involved, why they are involved, and what their roles are. My website will showcase these two media objects as well as links to online petitions, and contact methods for all stakeholders so that people may approach these companies, groups, and people with questions and reactions after viewing my related media.

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