Baily Anderson’s Capstone Project

For my capstone project, I have decided to educate my audience on the issue of plastic waste build up in our oceans. Because of people’s massive consumption of plastic materials, a threat has been posed to the natural wildlife population and, in return, ourselves.  I feel this is a very relevant topic that many of us should be concerned about and I feel very passionate about how we affect the environment around us.

To illustrate my information, I would like to create an infographic combined with animation. Working previously with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects, I have decided to use these tools to create this project. I feel these two tools work very well together and make it easy to correlate between files. By producing most of my graphics in Illustrator, I can import these files into After Effects to animate. I feel this would compliment my website satisfactorily since I feel that these are where my strengths or “superpowers” lie.

I’m still a little unsure as to how I will narrow down my subject. I could discuss how plastic materials are damaging our ecosystem, but I also feel it is important to explain how everyone can help to make it better. I have pondered the thought of having a host, such as a seal or a fish, to help narrate the subject. My intent to lighten the seriousness of the topic is to try and focus on the positive. By providing solutions to this serious topic, we can begin to hope for a brighter future for the generations yet to come.

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