Benefits of Being an Entrepreneur

Benefits of being an Entrepreneur
According to the Oxford dictionary an entrepreneur is “a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so”. With this definition people might ask themselves why would someone want to be an entrepreneur? Why risk more financials than a normal person? Well I hope to outline 5 good benefits of being an entrepreneur.
1) Opportunity
With being an entrepreneur individuals have the opportunity to decide what their work is. A decision of what you work on rather than just being told what to work on can really help motivation and the spirit of what you do.
2) Freedom
This one stays in the same vein of Opportunity. Perhaps Aaron Pitman, president and founder of API Domain Investments says it best when he states “Freedom is my driver…I always wanted to be able to call my own shots, be in charge of my destiny, and have the ability to set my own life.”
3) Responsibility to Society
Entrepreneurs have the opportunity to constantly watch the world around them on a large and small scale and acknowledge how themselves/their companies fit into it. They have the responsibility to enact change to help form that world they see into one they envision.
4) Control
There is something to be said about control of their work area and environment to be a driving force behind why many entrepreneurs follow their dreams. People can design out their work space and environment however they like.
5) Time
In the beginning most Entrepreneurs will trade their 40hrs/week for 60, but some can get themselves to a spot where they are only working 10 and still making the company run. This frees up time to allow the owner to invest in other things such as hobbies and family.

I would like to portray my capstone project through an infographic and a moving infographic. I think these are the two best ways in which to showcase the benefits listed above about being an entrepreneur.

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