I have decided to focus on the mental disorder ADHD in my capstone project. The project will explore how ADHD is treated in our society, observing whether or not ADHD is properly treated and cared for in the United States. This is a personal topic for me, as I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child. I have taken medication to help me with ADHD since I was in the 5th grade, so this is a topic that I truly care about. The two pieces of media that I will complete are the infographic and a remixed video. The infographic will give basic statistics on ADHD diagnoses in children and adults. The infographic will also further dive into which ADHD patients are medicated and what they are medicated with, depending on their age and/or gender. The infographic can also give information about whether or not people truly realize what ADHD is and that it is a serious mental disorder, as I have met some people that dismiss ADHD as an excuse for children that misbehave. My remixed video will further focus on the narrative of ADHD awareness and how it’s viewed by people in society, as I plan to find different interviews or conduct interviews of my own on how people with ADHD have dealt with their condition in society.

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