Capstone Project: Acne & Self-Image

For my Capstone Project, I have decided to focus on acne and its effects on self-esteem. It is a fact that the majority of people have experienced acne – in fact, it is “…the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans annually”. Unfortunately, acne is also known to cause “…significant physical and psychological problems such as permanent scarring, poor self-image, depression and anxiety.” And while it can affect everyone, the ones most commonly affected are teenagers, who are the most at risk for self-esteem related issues.
The purpose of my project will be to campaign for a better way of thinking – the self-deprecation that often comes along with acne is tough to get through, but it can be overcome, with a change in attitude. And while it is important to treat the acne, which can be done through seeing a dermatologist for treatment, as well as doing things such as getting enough sleep and eating healthy, it is just as important to treat mental health. This means healing the underlying self-esteem issues that can come with acne. In order to accomplish this, I will be creating an infographic with information about treating both sides of acne – taking care of your skin and your mind. I will also be creating a video with some animated elements, with more of a focus on how acne can make an individual feel, and how to overcome. I hope that all of those affected by acne, upon seeing my project, will finally say with confidence, “My acne does not define me.”

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