African Clean Water Crisis

For my capstone project, I plan on discussing the clean drinking water crisis in Africa. In 2008, it was reported that roughly 5 million people in South Africa didn’t have access to water and 15 million didn’t have access to basic sanitation. As reported in 2015, 332 million people who live in Africa don’t have access to water as well. Not only do a lot of people struggle to access water in Africa, those who do are exposed to unclean water. This lack of unclean drinking water has a great impact on peoples’ health and well-being. Unclean drinking water and inadequate access to sanitation account for up to 80% of sicknesses in developing countries. Since women and young girls are most likely to be responsible for gathering water, the water crisis effects them the most. The lack of proper sanitation and clean water often leads to schools not having proper bathrooms and toilets, which causes many girls to drop out of school after puberty. The clean water crisis in Africa is a serious issue that concern everyone, not just the people it directly effects.

I plan on creating an infographic and mash-up video for my project. My infographic will include information about the water crisis in Africa and its effects on people who live in the continent. I want to create a mash-up video to avoid repeating information through an animated infographic. I’m going to use clips of people discussing how difficult it is for them to live without access to clean water. My website will include both of my media objects as well as a page of resources for people who want to learn more about the issue or want to help find solutions.

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