Cascadia Subduction Zone

For my Capstone Project, my primary focus will be on the possible big earthquake in the Cascadia Subduction Zone. This is a current concern for the residents that reside along the Pacific Northwest, as scientists expect one of the worst earthquakes to hit soon. My project will explain what the Cascadia Subduction Zone is and how it could affect the Pacific Northwest and what precautions residents should take in anticipation of the natural disaster. My intent is to inform and to educate briefly of the concerns and precautions. Scientists say the scale of the destruction will be the biggest in this century if awareness and preparation are not implemented. Many possible lives can be saved if people prepare. The direction that I will take is to make infographic and animation of this topic. I felt that I will do my best on the infographic based off of the last infographic that I made earlier in the semester. I will produce vectored imagery by using the program Adobe Illustrator. As for the animation, I will use Adobe After Effects because I feel that I can better illustrate the topic. In order to make my Capstone Project possible I need to further conduct more research from reputable sources i.e. state and government involved websites. The sources and or images used will be properly cited/credited as instructed in the guidelines. Though this topic is an idea of a possible focus I do have other topics that may interest me to pursue in this Capstone Project.

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