Air Pollution

Air pollution is one of the most dangerous and damaging environmental factors to the health of everyone on this planet and yet, one of the most ignored. Because of these reasons, my desire is to bring this concern to the forefront and attention of others by making it the focus of my final class project. My capstone project will consist of a website I design which will include both a remixed video and an animated infographic.

Because air pollution is such a widespread problem, in order to increase people’s awareness, my video will attempt to illustrate some of the current conditions in our country and around the world and how it is negatively affecting people.

My brief animated infographic will include information to define what air pollution is, why it is (and should be) of concern to everyone, what some of its causes are, and what we can do as individuals and together as a society in order to establish solutions and help reduce the problem of air pollution. I will add additional facts and statistics to help others understand the magnitude of the issue.

Together, these two media objects will work hand-in-hand to help provide people with a basic understanding of my topic of choice — which, of course, is the overall focus of my website and capstone project. Air pollution is important because, naturally, everyone has to breathe and, as such, it is not merely someone else’s problem but, rather, everyone’s problem. Therefore, my hope is that my project will serve to motivate people to think about and consider how their actions each day can either contribute to the solution or the problem at hand.

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