Capstone Project

My project will be focused on the turmoil that is taking place in Ukraine. For my website, I will focus my efforts on using a video mashup along with a sound file. The conflict involves anti-government protesters standing-off against authorities, with violence rising to the point where policemen were being shot. These things arose after President Yanukovych’s government rejected an accord with the European Union in favor of stronger ties with Russia. This was an outrage since it was a long term aspiration for integration with Europe, and had been rejected overnight.
To convey these images I think using a sound file will work well with the mashup to incorporate the events that are taking place to this day. In the mashup I will incorporate certain events such as riots and political speeches on the issue. In my efforts, I will try to summarize key events in order to raise awareness of the needs of people in the war zones. With people lacking electricity and water, the church I attend is reaching out by sending food, water, clothing, and everyday essentials to those who are in need. I’m sure that most people are unaware of everything that is going on and I hope this project will shed some light on the things that are happening. With two of my cousins being victims of the crimes occurring during all this mess, this issue is rather important to me. I know that many other people have incurred troubles during these times, and this would be a good way to express what is going on.

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