Self-sustaining Farming!

For my project I will be working on self-sustaining farming. Not everyone can have a full-fledged farm but with a minimum of space you can still support a large portion of your needs using just a few hundred square feet of space. I will make a video showing the average amount of care you need to do for keeping chickens and rabbits. I will be also making a poster/desktop image style printable in various sizes available for download. The downloadable will be an encouraging “you can do it” style with a play-off of the old World War 2 style patriotic signs calling for the same. The ease of raising specifically chickens and rabbits make it relatively easy to get your eggs, whole chicken meats, and rabbit meat for less than you pay now for standard groceries. In addition you get to know for a fact that all your food is free of chemicals, hormones, over-processing, and maltreatment. All it takes is a bit of sweat equity (and not a whole heck of a lot really). Don’t get me wrong, beef is one of my favorites, but cows take too much space, and their meat is fattier and less healthy, rabbit and chicken meats products are the way to go. Lean, clean, and with a million and one ways to season, it’s the best way to go. I really just like the feeling of knowing my food had a good life before me, and will continue to give me good energy in return.

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