Angelique’s Capstone Project Proposal

The power of language and social media impacts more peoples lives then it did twenty years ago. The idea that a person can post something on a social networking site and not have to worry about it again is a thing of the past. Currently, anything a person sends out to the world from their account leaves them at the mercy of society. Therefore, any racially charged, sexist, or other inappropriate post has the potential to lead to ramifications at home or in the work place. This Capstone project will focus on Twitter and how American’s lives are affected due to an inappropriate tweets and whether the ramification of their tweets are justifiable.
In order to convey as much information as possible, I plan on using a mash-up video of improper tweets, punishments that have occurred, and ways to avoid receiving a societal smack down. I will use Premiere, Photoshop, and probably audacity to achieve this. I will also make a poster, using Photoshop, of the do’s and don’t of Tweeting. The video and poster will be placed on a HTML site for viewing and commenting purposes.

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