Advocating Legal Concealed Carry on Campus

The topic for which I will be making a video, and infographics for will be “The Advocacy of Legal Concealed Carry on WSU-V Campus”.

Lawful concealed carry itself can be a big controversy itself, but I will be focusing on legal concealed carry on WSU-V campus because it’s a local political and social issue.

For my main source, I will be referring to the website Students for Concealed Carry

There have been many universities that have allowed legal concealed carry, however, this is still a very controversial subject due to the widespread herd mentality that legal concealed carry isn’t safe.

I will attempt to address multiple arguments against legal concealed carry on campus including some of these:

  • Guns on campus would lead to an escalation in violent crime.
  • Guns on campus would lead to an increased number of suicides by college students.
  • Guns on campus would distract from the learning environment.
  • Colleges are too crowded to safely allow the carry of concealed weapons.
  • A person with a gun could “snap” and go on a killing spree.
  • A dangerous person might jump someone who is carrying a gun, take the gun, and use it to do harm.
  • Dorms are notoriously vulnerable to theft. It would be too easy for someone to steal an unattended firearm from a dorm.
  • It’s possible a gun might go off by accident.

I hope to include the advocacy for legal concealed carry.

While it’s legal for a concealed carry permit holder to protect himself or herself off campus, he or she must sacrifice their 2nd amendment rights upon enrolling in higher education.

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