Capstone Project- Oil Pumping and Oil Spills

My name is Richard Lockett and the focus of my DTEC 120 course Capstone Project is on the risks of oil spills from over-shore drilling and refineries.
I will be using two media objects to present my topic: First I will be using an info-graphic that will point out how much oil has been spelt in past from over-shore oil rigs and the sea life which has been harmed from the oil spills.
I will also use the info-graphic to highlight the amount of oil rigs that has caused spills in the past.
Both of my sources will be presented on my new web-page that will have the infographic on one page and the video on the other page.
I am planning also using the info-graphic to show the pros of over-shore oil refineries.
My next media object will be a video remix utilizing several ocean related videos under creative commons, and several videos of people speaking about oil spills, and how they have harmed the ocean.
These two sources will relate to each other by presenting two sides to the argument. The info-graphic will provide facts dealing with the positive nature of over-shore oil refineries such as: Cost effectiveness from pumping oil in our oceans, the jobs created by the construction of new refineries, and relying on US oil. It will also provide facts on the cons as well such as: the number of oil spills in the past, dangers to sea life, the time it takes to clean up oil spills, and the cost of cleaning up oil spills.

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