What Does it Mean to Plagiarize

For my capstone project, I am going to explore plagiarism. During this semester, I have had personal experience of the effects of plagiarism in a group setting. While this act may or may not have been innocent, the fact it happened does not go unnoticed. The hardest part of the whole experience is knowing the actions of the one person can impact the entire team as a whole. When the act was discovered it brought forward various comments and questions, and these questions are the basis of my project. I will define plagiarism and when things should be cited, provide tools to check to see if work contains plagiarized information, and how plagiarism affects others. This will be done using two media objects.

For my project, I will be producing two different media objects along with a website. The first media object will be an infographic. This infographic will be created in illustrator, and I will create the imagery myself. This infographic will be designed to act as a tool others can use to avoid issues associated with plagiarism.

The second media object will be a remixed video. I am hoping to find enough content under creative common guidelines but may need to create some content myself. My overall goal is to provide enough content that anyone can understand and not be confused about the topic. I feel that many people take the topic lightly, and they do not understand how much of an impact it can have.

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