Evelyn Smith Capstone: Wage Gap in the United States

The subject I have decided to cover for the Capstone Project is the Wage Gap in the United States. This issue is addressed on social media through #EqualPay. According to research by the Washington Post, the median salary for women working full-time is 80% of men’s median salary. If you apply that to the calendar, that means that for 10 weeks a year, women are basically working for free.

This is an important social issue that effects millions of women across the United States, amongst various fields of work. For instance, a report from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution found that woman working in health care administration makes 22% less than their male counterparts for performing the same job. The same report cited research by the Economic Policy Institute that found that black women earn 65.3% of the wages that white men earn performing the same job. For Hispanic women, this percentage is around 57.6% the amount that white men earn.

To inform the audience about the issue, I will employ the use of two media objects. The first media object I will create is an infographic. This will be used to showcase data about the wage gap, and how it effects women differently by race and industry. This data will be shown using images, graphs, and charts. The infographic will include the #EqualPay, to prompt user engagement through social media.

The video remix is my second media object. I plan to remix clips of interviews/news reels of different wage gap stories and experiences, into one compilation. The video will provide the testimonial evidence to support the numerical evidence seen in the infographic.

Sources: AJC Article and Washington Post


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