Celebrities and Social Responsibility

Living within a culture where celebrities are generally held as very important and influential figures, my capstone project will be diving into celebrities and social responsibility. I hope to present a couple different angles that evaluate the “Hollywood/Celebrity Bubble,” the expectation of a higher social responsibility from celebrities, and different ways that entertainers have used their influence as a platform to discuss sociopolitical issues. I plan to use a video remix to outline the different ways celebrities have used their influence to make political statements, ignored any potential influence they have on others and made poor choices or statements, and the controversy behind their connection to average American struggles. I will also use an infographic to display the statistics behind the amount of political comments made in music compared to other forms of entertainment, like the NFL, talk shows, etc. I am still working on creating a smaller focus for each media object but will work with lots of angles which will paint my thesis that celebrity influence is very important in our society and should be recognized as more than entertainment. Ultimately, I hope to create a discussion around whether celebrities should be held at a higher moral standard than the average American by using their influence for the better, or if they should remain entertainers in their Hollywood bubble.

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