Capstone Proposal

For my capstone project I will be addressing the issue of winterizing your vehicle. Our cars play an essential role in our everyday lives and with winter coming we need to give them a little more attention. Winterizing your vehicle is not only necessary for efficient operation, but also plays a huge role in the safety of you and those around you on the road. We commonly overlook little things that can really save us in the long run. Little things like windshield washer fluid, tire pressure, windshield wiper condition and even carrying a blanket just in case. These examples are just a few of the small things that add up to make your vehicle safe for winter roads. Performing these preventative tasks don’t need to cost hundreds of dollars and are all things you can do yourself. Most auto parts stores even give free assistance when it comes to things like checking tire pressure, replacing wiper blades, etc. We rely so heavily on our vehicles every day, multiple times a day to get us where we need to go safely and reliably. I think they deserve a little attention as winter approaches to get them ready to conquer the roads because a little time and money now can save a lot of time and money later.

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